Saturday, January 9, 2010

Trade Up Mock

This is the first ever trade up mock I have ever done. I have always been of the mind and thought that stand pat at your selection and pick, or trade down and get more picks. I figured I would try a new scenario here.

First of all, 2010 will mark an uncapped season. In other words, there will be no spending limit. This should thrill Redskins Owner Dan Snyder, who has a record of going after the top free agents and paying them way too much for their services. If you ask the average Steelers fan, he or she could tell you that rarely do the Pittsburgh Steelers sign a big name free agent because they are unwilling to shell out big bucks in an ever increasing market. That would be true. He or she could also tell you that the Steelers rather look to their own free agents and spend money on them, then look to smaller free agents to come in and complete the team. That would also be correct. What they probably wouldn't tell you that the Pittsburgh Steelers have been in the top 8 NFL payroll for the past four seasons. In an uncapped year, they could spend all the money they want. They have made the right move by selling bits of their stock to big time investors. With all of this cash, it is silly to think that the Steelers will not make good deals to most of the free agents they evaluate and wish to keep. They could even break tradition and shell out decent money to a free agent. Ultimately, the Pittsburgh Steelers should have plenty of cash to spend, especially when you consider that Casey Hamtpon, Ryan Clark, Willie Parker, Deshea Townsend, Jeff Reed, Willie Colon, Nick Eason, Travis Kirschke, Matt Spaeth, Daniel Sepulveda, William Gay, and past Steelers Larry Foote and Kendall Simmons all come off the books, clearing up a considerable amount of cash.

This is what I believe will happen in free agency:

Casey Hampton- Gets either tagged or resigned.
Ryan Clark- Gets resigned.
Willie Parker- Walks because he wants a starting gig.
Deshea Townsend- Gets resigned for peanuts.
Jeff Reed- Gets either tagged or resigned.
Willie Colon- Will be an RFA, will receive his tender.
Nick Eason- Gets resigned for peanuts.
Travis Kirschke- My opinion is that he retires. If not he can be bought for little, if the Steelers even want him anymore.
Matt Spaeth- Will be an RFA, will receive his tender.
Daniel Sepulveda- Will be an RFA, will receive his tender.
William Gay- Will be an RFA, will receive his tender.

There is also talk of maybe extending whose contract still will have one year left such as Santonio Holmes, LaMarr Woodley, or Willie Colon(not my vote).

Steelers trade up with the Jaguars at pick 10. Steelers forfeit their 1st(18th) and 2nd(50th) selections. Using the value board, the trade matches the 10th pick at 1300 points to the 18th at 950 points and 50th at 400 points.

1. ILB Rolando McClain, Alabama
3. CB Kareem Jackson, Alabama
4. OT Jared Veldheer, Hillsdale
4c. OLB O'Brien Schofield, Wisconsin
5. FS Ahmad Black, Florida
5c. DE Alex Carrington, Arkansas State
6. NT Kade Weston, Georgia
6c. SS Andrew Sendejo, Rice
7. RB Roy Upchurch, Alabama


Anonymous said...

From Charles Demarr....

I don't like this one at all. Not knocking you, but we are going to need all of our picks. We will have a lot of holes going into next year. I think there will be great value at 18..(Mays, Bulaga, etc.) Can't see us trading the 2nd this year.

Jeremy Kohlman said...

This was for just fun. I can't see the Steelers trading up either. We really do need all the picks we can get this year.

Kris Terry said...

This is my mock.
Trade our 1st round pick for rams 2nd and 3rd round pick.
2.Corey Wootton
2b.Kareem Jackson
3.Reshad Jones
3b.Ed Dickson
Those are the first three rounds.

kris terry said...

4.Sam Young
4b.Micah Johnson
5.Devin Ross
5b.Chris brown
6.Shay Hodge
6b.Justin Cole
7.AJ Wallace

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