Monday, March 8, 2010

One Crazy Day in Free Agency

What a day it has been. This was my thought process throughout the day:

1. Ryan Clark likely/close to signing with the Dolphins.

Well dang, it really does look like we are going to safety in the 1st round. I was never a big fan of this approach, especially in a draft class whose safeties have great value in Rounds 2 and 3. I knew we could get quality starting safeties this late, so why waste the high draft pick?

2. Steelers sign backup FS Will Allen, formerly of the Buccaneers.

From what I knew, he was a good special teams player. I knew he could be a stop-gap solution at FS until we found someone better. I then looked at his price tag, and just figured he was going to start. Still figured we would draft a safety in Round 1.

3. Steelers sign Jonathon Scott, formerly of the Bills.

Hmm.....we did just higher the old Bill's OL coach to be our new one....maybe he knows something we do not....

4. Steelers sign Arnaz Battle, formerly of the 49ers.

Great, this means Sweed's career in Pittsburgh is over. Just great. Another failed pick in the 2007 draft class. Davis is gone, and Hills has done nothing to impress. Just great.

5. Steelers resign Ryan Clark.

I was utterly shocked. I figured since they spent decent money on Allen that the door was shut on Clark. However, I could not have been more happy to see him rejoin the Steelers. And now, we can finally choose not to resign Tyrone Carter or release Ryan Mundy, because they both aren't very good.

6. Steelers resign Antwaan Randle El.

This move blew me away. It came out of nowhere. Randle El was my favorite Steelers back in the 2005 Super Bowl. And now being a undergraduate at IU, I can wear my Randle El jersey to IU home games. The move also made me think that Sweed has almost no chance of making the roster.

7. The still pursued interest in Larry Foote and Leigh Bodden.

If we could get both of these players, a lot of holes would be filled before the draft would occur, and the Steelers could still stay true to the "best player available philosophy".

Overall, this day was overshadowed by Big Ben's looming charges in Georgia. Ben, you have to stop acting like a child and get your stuff together. People gave you the benefit of the doubt in the McNulty case due to civil suit being filed a year later and such. Now people think this is a habit. Go talk to Tiger Woods. Both of you can consult on how sex is an addiction. Hopefully, Roger Goodell won't give you a suspension even if you don't get indited....

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